Maria Gomez-Perez

Help Find Maria

Maria Gomez-Perez has been missing since May 29th. She is a 12-year-old girl who was last seen near her home on Westside Drive in Gainesville, GA. Please help us find her by spreading awareness and taking part in search efforts.

Get Involved

About Maria

Maria Gomez-Perez is a 12-year-old girl who went missing on May 29th. She was last seen in Gainesville, GA, wearing a blue t-shirt and black jeans. Maria is known for her bright smile and kind heart. She loves playing soccer and spending time with her family. Maria’s disappearance has deeply affected her community, and everyone is working tirelessly to bring her home safely.

Search Efforts

The community has come together to search for Maria. Volunteers have organized search parties, distributed flyers, and coordinated with local authorities. Your help is crucial in these efforts. If you see something, don't hesitate and call 911.

Community Support

The outpouring of support from the community has been overwhelming. People have shown their solidarity by sharing Maria's story on social media, providing meals for search volunteers, and offering emotional support to Maria's family.

How You Can Help

Here are a few ways you can assist in the search for Maria:

  • Help by spreading awareness
  • Send emails to news outlets using our templates
  • Join the local search efforts
  • If you see something, call 911

Contact Information

If you have any information about Maria's whereabouts, please contact: